Supercharging your Python Development Environment with VS Code and Dev Containers
06-06, 15:10–16:00 (Europe/Madrid), Workshop

VS Code is the most popular editor for Pythonistas. I'll teach you how to tweak your VS Code environment to support your Python and Django workflow. At the end of this workshop you'll understand while large teams build extension packs and profiles to create team alignment, onboard and pair program, and why contractors swear by VS Code's flexibility when jumping from one project to the next.

VS Code is the editor with the marketplace inside. This means thousands of extensions and features at your disposal and sometimes it can be hard to know what and how to customize your settings. The key is that you can tweak your environment as much as you want without having to commit to what works best for most people, you can pick what works best for you.

We'll go through:
- the best VS Code extensions, essential for Python development.
- how to test and debug your Django code
- using GitHub Copilot with VS Code
- using Codespaces and Dev Containers, your development container locally or in the cloud




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Dawn (she/her) is the Treasurer for the PSF, repeat DjangoCon organizer across the world, Python Community Advocate at Microsoft and Django software engineer. She lives in Philadelphia, USA with her partner and dogs watching Star Trek and noodling about inclusive tech.