I'm an experienced Software Engineer specializing in Backend Development. I am a highly skilled software engineer with over 8 years of experience in all software development life cycle phases. My expertise spans architecture, design, development, test definition, integration, and support. Holding a Bachelor's Degree in Computing Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil, my career is grounded in a solid foundation of technical expertise. I am passionate about leveraging my skills to help companies find the best solutions and expand my professional network.
- Developing Scalable Tests in Python with Django

I’m an author and solo consultant working with Django, Python, and Git.
I’m a member of the Django Project Steering Council (2.2 through 5.x release cycles) and a co-organizer of The London Django Meetup.
I’m based in London, UK, and am often in Lisbon, PT.
I drink tea and especially enjoy a genmaicha.
- Data-Oriented Django Deux

I am a freelance software engineer based in Harare, Zimbabwe. I am also the Fundraising Coordinator/Software Engineer/Trustee for the Django Girls Foundation. I am a former President of the Django Software Foundation, having served on the DSF Board in various capacities from 2018 - 2022. I am the DjangoCon Africa organising committee chair and have also organised PyCon Zimbabwe 2016/2017. I have also organised several Django Girls events in Zimbabwe, Germany and Tanzania and given talks at many conferences including DjangoCon Europe 2017, DjangoCon US 2018, PyCon Africa 2019 and DjangonCon Africa 2023.
- Django Girls: Decade in Review and Beyond

Antonis is a Docker Captain and a Software Engineer at Platform.sh — a cloud platform for responsibly building, running, and scaling fleets of websites and applications. He is a Python lover and developer who helps teams embrace containers and improve their development workflow. He loves automating stuff and sharing knowledge around all things containers, DevOps and developer workflows.
- Django schema migrations and deployments minus the misery

I enjoy writing Python code and surfing waves 🏄♂️
Side Projects:
💻 https://github.com/anze3db/django-tui a TUI for all your Django commands
🧑💻 https://fedidevs.com find awesome devs across the fediverse
🧪 https://flakytest.dev tame your test suite flakiness
- Django, SQLite, and Production

Former Django Fellow, and maintainer of many things Django. I like cooking, philosophy, and tai chi.
- API Maybe: Bootstrapping a Web Application circa 2024

Chris Adams is the Executive Director of the Green Web Foundation, a non profit focussed on reaching a fossil free internet by 2030, and has spent the last 15 years as an environmentally focussed tech generalist, working as a user researcher, product manager, developer, sysadmin and UX designer.
He is a contributing editor to the Ars Electronica award winning Branch Magazine, is the policy chair of the Green Software Foundation, an industry body comprised of non profits and some of the largest names in the tech world, including, Microsoft, Thoughtworks, Github and others.
He also is the host of the popular Environment Variables podcast published by the Green Software Foundation.
- Greening Digital With Django
- Greening Digital - how to set up your django app with green coding metrics in CI

Hi, I'm Chris.
I've been learning Python for six years and Django for four. I currently work for a team in Albuquerque that focuses on drug discovery and drug repurposing using LLM technology.
My work involves:
- LLM integration (e.g., prompt engineering)
- Building a Django web app to host these technologies (full stack development)
Combining these areas is a niche field where I've gained some interesting insights that I believe are worth sharing.
I've spent hundreds of hours preparing this workshop for you. If you learn something new and useful, the effort will have been worthwhile.
If you'd like to learn more about me, please come and say hi. I enjoy meeting new people.
- Functional LLM Chatbots - HTMX, Function Calling & LLama 3
I am a Director of Engineering at Canonical, where I lead documentation practice. I enjoy helping organise community conferences for Python and Django. That includes multiple editions of DjangoCon Europe, as well as the first editions of PyCon Africa and DjangoCon Africa.
I also enjoy helping people and open-source projects improve their documentation.
- The confidence and blessing to make Django documentation improvements
- The attentive programmer

Dawn (she/her) is the Treasurer for the PSF, repeat DjangoCon organizer across the world, Python Community Advocate at Microsoft and Django software engineer. She lives in Philadelphia, USA with her partner and dogs watching Star Trek and noodling about inclusive tech.
- Supercharging your Python Development Environment with VS Code and Dev Containers
- My step-by-step guide to becoming a Django core contributor

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, electronics enthusiast, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter and other OSS libraries
I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for about 20 years.
One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.
- Django Classy All The Things!!!
- ProBo: 240.000+ Django Admin Staff Users in one SaaS (What you are not supposed to do, we did it!)
In my day job, I analyze user data. At scale: the application has more than one billion daily active users. We capture, log and analyze every click that every user does, and more. I am a senior software engineer at Google, but I won't speak on behalf of my employer. I will speak freely, driven by my passion for tech ethics.
- How we can build web applications that respect the user’s privacy

I'm Hicham Bakri (@hbakri), the proud creator of Django Ninja CRUD—my debut venture into open-source software. As a software engineer, I'm animated by a passion for creating processes that are as smooth as they are effective, designs that users love, and solutions that turn complex problems into satisfyingly simple answers.
- Modernizing CRUD Operations in Django with a Declarative Interface using Django Ninja CRUD

Python enthusiast dedicated to building the digital tools that enhance healthcare delivery. Driven by the power of code to make a difference in people's lives.
- Building a Django-Powered Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) for the Genomics Era

- Senior Systems Engineer @ Torchbox
- Security Team @ Wagtail
- Avid self-hoster
Frequent blogger
Twitter: @RealOrangeOne
- Mastodon: @jake@theorangeone.net
- Empowering Django with Background Workers

Karen was a database administrator for over 20 years and was once described as "quite personable for a DBA", which she decided to take as a compliment! She's now a Senior Solutions Architect, helping her customers to design and manage their (PostgreSQL) database environments.
She gives talks about databases at PostgreSQL and developer conferences because she loves sharing knowledge. She is a PostgreSQL Europe board member, she co-organises the pgDay Paris event and helps out as a volunteer at various PostgreSQL community events across Europe.
- When I Grow up I Want to be a Database Administrator (said no one ever)
- Django + Alpine.js + htmx Ups & Downs
Life long solver of problems who also happens to be a Software Developer
- Pair Programming after the Pandemic and Beyond

DSF Board member, Django Girls organizer, DjangoCon EU volunteer and Django Specialist / Framework Engineer at Fly.io.
- Diving into the DSF Rhythm: A session on Django Governance

Hi there!
Nobody calls me Meritxell, except my mother when she's upset with me. Feel free to call me Meri or Txell; either works.
My professional journey began in the realms of Physics and Engineering, but I was captivated by programming. It has been a love affair for over a decade now, marked by the highs and lows of data projects—a blessing or a bane, depending on the day. I know you feel it too.
I've worked in various industries—banking, e-commerce, healthcare, and media—taking on roles in risk management, marketing, sales, and finance. Always in the technical side but with a focus on understanding the business aspect of things, which forced me to develop not just strong technical skills, but a robust capacity for extreme patience as well. Which I finally choose not to.
So in 2021, I took the plunge and co-founded my own company, and we're still riding that wave. (Yay!)
We didn't stop at data projects, our bread and butter. We ventured into creating desktop and web applications, primarily using Python for backend magic and JavaScript for frontend charm. That's when I met Django, which led me to this amazing congress.
Motivation has helped me just few times during my professional journey. Discipline and humor have been my true keys to keep alive, especially humor. Oh, and Stack Overflow, of course.
- AI, away from the hype

I'm a software engineer based in Prague, Czech Republic with seven years of experience in the IT industry. I currently work at Ataccama, where I contribute to the development of a business intelligence tool and I maintain several AI microservices.
I'm passionate about building tech communities and knowledge sharing. I'm the main organizer of Prague Python meetups & Prague Python Pizza and a co-organizer of EuroPython.
- Combining Django ORM & FastAPI in a Single App

Django developer since 2021 and a new contributor to open-source.
- Django For Half A Billion People

Rachell is a Django developer deeply committed to crafting practical, user-friendly software tools and promoting inclusivity within communities.
She currently holds positions as a trustee for Django Girls and an organizer for PyLadies, DjangoCon US, and Djangonaut Space, where she works to empower individuals to explore their boundaries and achieve their goals.
Outside of technology, Rachell has recently been trying her hand in the world of music 🎸.
- Django Girls: Decade in Review and Beyond

Raphael is an experienced software developer who has been using Django as his favourite tool for web development for the last ten years. Over the years, he has created a number of Django-based applications, such as pretix, a fully-featured open source application for selling event tickets, or Venueless, a web platform for virtual events. As his day job, he is the CEO of a small software company that continues to develop and distribute these applications. Raphael has been involved with the Django community for a while and co-hosted DjangoCon Europe 2018 in his hometown of Heidelberg, Germany.
- Fast on my machine: How to debug slow requests in production

My name is Ronny, I'm born Austrian and grew up, studied and started working with Django in Cologne, Germany.
I studied Business Information Systems at the University of Cologne I tried hard to avoid getting a regular consulting job after I got my diploma. Ending up (and staying) at Ambient Digital in 2012 as a web developer, I've done and seen many things but Django was always an essential part of all of it.
My first Djangocon experience was in Heidelberg in 2018 where I expected... something different. I was honestly astonished that it's possible to sit and listen to talks all day and not getting bored. #notuni Ever since, I attended all cons, either in person or remotly (due to the pandemic).
- Tying up a loose end - How class-based emails will save your day

Saptak S. is a human rights centered web developer, focusing on usability, security, privacy and accessibility topics in web development. He is a contributor and maintainer of various different open source projects like The A11Y Project, OnionShare and Wagtail accessibility team. He is part of the Open Source Design core team. He is also the author of the Security and Accessibility chapter of Web Almanac 2022. One can find him blogging at saptaks.blog
- Accessibility for the Django Community

Meet Sarah Abderemane, also known as sabderemane, a backend developer with few years of experience. She works at Kraken Tech (part of Octopus Energy Group) in France to contribute to climate change. She organises the Django Paris meetup and is an active member of the Django community: DSF Board member and member of the Django Accessibility team.
- Diving into the DSF Rhythm: A session on Django Governance

35 years in software development, over 25 years using Python. A member of the Django Security Team. Co-founder of PyCon Israel, and celebrating a decade of attending DjangoCon Europe.
Working as a consultant.
Github: shaib
Fediverse: @shaib@tooot.im
Mail: shai@platonix.com
- Careful what you search for! - or, how to make a computation 20,000 times faster

I’m a 36-year-old software developer based in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil with a passion for Python programming. Since embarking on my software development journey in 2007, I’ve honed my skills and specialized in Python development since 2011. Over the years, I’ve collaborated on numerous Python-based applications, always striving to contribute to the open-source community in meaningful ways.
One of my proudest achievements was developing the strawberry-django-plus project in 2021. Additionally, I was appointed a core developer of the Strawberry lib and the official maintainer of the Strawberry-Django integration in 2022. My dedication to the open-source community reflects my commitment to improving software development for everyone.
Beyond my professional pursuits, I’m known for my positive attitude and willingness to assist others in the community. I enjoy engaging with others and fostering meaningful connections to help propel the industry forward.
- Building high-performance, type-safe GraphQL APIs with Strawberry and Django

Board member & accessibility @DjangoProject, core team @WagtailCMS, building things @Torchbox
- Diving into the DSF Rhythm: A session on Django Governance
- Blogging with Django: get started with Wagtail

Maths teacher turned programmer. Timothy McCurrach has been writing Django at YunoJuno for the past 4 years. Though a long-time Django aficionado, he also enjoys dabbling in React and any other technologies that catch his eye. When not at his laptop he can usually be found at his local climbing gym or out exploring the Kent countryside.
- Navigating the maze of Django's URL routing: a deep dive

Tobias co-founded Caktus in 2007 and, as Chief Executive Officer, guides the strategic vision of the company. He has been an active member of the Django development community, is a core developer of the RapidSMS framework, and makes regular contributions to both the projects. He is the co-author of and chief advocate for the messages framework that was introduced in Django 1.2 and has helped his co-founder Colin Copeland organize several successful Django development sprints in the North Carolina Research Triangle area.
- Pair Programming after the Pandemic and Beyond
I'm a long time Django developer, medium time contributor, and am a founding member of the Django accessibility team. I also run the Discord and do other stuff.
- Ramping up the Django admin

Wil lives in London and builds Simple Poll and Kolo. Recently he started getting into triathlons (including one a few days after Djangocon)
- How to monetize your side project for fun & profit

A lifelong software tinkerer and seasoned engineer who typically responds with "it depends" to complex challenges. Striving to master the elusive skill of estimation, with a history of learning through failures and implementing recursive loops of backups. A perpetual student, particularly fascinated by the history of software and the complexities of human migration.
- Django 5.0: Elevating Experiences with Server-Sent Events – A Journey from Polling to Real-Time Vibes

Çağıl is a software engineer based in London. She has been working with Python and Django since 2008.
Currently she is working as a Lead Backend Engineer at Kraken Tech.
She is vice president in Django Software Foundation, co-organiser of London Django Meetup, Pycon Turkey, DjangoGirls Turkey, and a PSF managing member.
- Diving into the DSF Rhythm: A session on Django Governance
- Layered Django project structure for large-scale collaboration